via Maine Department of Education

The 2018 Maine Educational Assessments (MEA) were administered this past spring. Test results of the 2018 MEA are available to districts and schools for distribution to students and parents or guardians.

All students in eligible grade levels must participate in the state-required MEAs – either the General MEA or Alternate MEA.

The General Assessments consist of:

  • Mathematics and English Language Arts (ELA)/Literacy – for students in grades 3-8 this is the eMPowerME. Students in 3rd year of high school are assessed with the SAT.
  • Science – students in grades 5, 8 and 3rd year of high school are assessed with the general MEA Science.
  • English Learners are assessed with the ACCESS for ELLs. All EL students who were enrolled in a United States for the first time on or after March 1, 2017 received a one-time exemption from MEA ELA/Literacy only, provided they participated in the ACCESS for ELs during the testing window. 

The Alternate Assessments consist of:

  • Mathematics and English Language Arts (ELA)/Literacy in grades 3-8 and 3rd year of high school assessment is the Multi State Alternate Assessment or MSAA
  • Science is tested in grades 5, 8, and 3rd year of high school with the Personalized Alternate Assessment Portfolio or PAAP
  • English language learners with IEPs and alternate indicator must take the Alternate ACCESS for ELLs

This webinar is to assist parents and/or guardians in reading and interpreting their child’s MEA Individual Student Reports or ISRs (35 minutes).