School and District Policies

The Board’s policies are framed and meant to be interpreted in terms of federal laws and regulations, state statutes and the rules of the Maine Department of Education, State Board of Education, and other regulatory agencies at various levels of government. The Board’s policies are also intended to reflect the Board’s educational philosophy and instructional objectives and practices and procedures that are supported by research and generally accepted by leaders and authorities in the field of public education. It is the Board’s intent that its policies set goals and provide direction and guidance for administrators, staff, and students and serve as sources of information for parents, community members and others who are interested in or connected with the schools.





Section A - Foundations and Basic Commitments
  • Non-Discrimination/Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action (AC)
  • Dissemination Action Statement — Non-Sexist Language (ACA)
  • Harassment and Sexual Harassment of Students (ACAA)
  • Student Discrimination/Harassment and Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedures  (ACAA-R)
  • Harassment and Sexual Harassment of Employees (ACAB)
  • Employee Discrimination/Harassment and Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedures (ACAB-R)
  • Sexual Harassment — Student Complaint Process (ACAC)
  • Hazing (ACAD/JFCF)
  • Advisory Committee — Affirmative Action (ACB)
  • Student Statement of Intent (ACC/JBA)
  • Employee Statement of Intent (ACCA/GBA)
  • Student Harassment (ACD/JFJ)
  • Employee Harassment (ACDA/GBMA)
  • Implementation (ACE)
  • Grievance Procedure — Affirmative Action (ACF/GBM/JFH)
  • Educational Philosophy/Mission (AD)
  • School District Commitment to Learning Results
  • Proficiency-Based Diploma (ADF-PBD)
  • Credits for Proficiency (ADF-PC)
  • Proficiency Standards (ADF-PS)
  • School System Goals and Objectives (ADA)
  • School System Commitment to Standards for Ethical and Responsible Behavior (ADAA)
  • Tobacco Use and Possession – Policy & Administrative Procedure (ADC, ADC-R)
  • Commitment to Learning Results (ADF)
  • Administrator Evaluations (AFB/CBG)
  • Procedure for Administrative Reports (AFB-R/CBG-R)
Section B - School Board Governance and Operations
  • Board Powers and Responsibilities (BBA)
  • Student Representatives to the School Board (BBBAB)
  • Unexpired Term Fulfillment/Vacancies (BBBE)
  • Board Declared Vacancy Caused by Absenteeism (BBD)
  • Board Member Code of Ethics (BBF)
  • Board Member Conflict of Interest (BBFA)
  • Board Organizational Meeting (BCA)
  • Board Officers (BCB)
  • Nepotism (BCC)
  • Board-Superintendent Relationship (BCD)
  • Standing Committees (BCE)
  • School Board Meetings (BD)
  • By-Laws for Maine School Administrative District #46 (BDD)
  • Public Participation at Board Meetings (BDDH/KD)
  • News Media Services at Board Meetings (BDDI/KDCC)
  • Broadcasting and Taping of Board Meetings (BDDI/KBCD)
  • Rights of Abstention (BDDL)
  • School Board Use of Electronic Mail (BEA)
  • Board Member Use of Social Media (BEB)
  • Remote Meeting Policy (BED)
  • Agenda Format Policy (BEDB-R)
  • Rules of Order (BEDD)
  • Voting Method (BEDF)
  • Policy Development (BF)
  • Policy Adoption and Amendment (BFC)
  • Administration in Policy Absence (BFE)
  • Board Member Development Opportunities (BHB)
  • New Board Member Orientation Policy (BIA)
Section C - General School Administration
  • Administrator Evaluations (CBG/AFB)
  • Procedure for Administrative Reports (CBG-R/AFB-R)
  • Title IA Parent Involvement (CG)
Section D - Fiscal Management
  • Active Parent Involvement in Chapter 1 ESEA (DEC)
  • Athletic Contest Ticket (DFE)
  • Maintenance of Internal Accounts (DIAA)
  • Fund Balance (DICA)
  • Inventories (DID)
  • Fixed Assets (DIF)
  • Bidding Procedures (DJ)
  • Federal Procurement Manual (DJ-R)
  • Accepting Gifts by Staff (DJG)
  • Purchasing and Contracting: Procurement Staff Code of Conduct (DJH)
  • Payment Procedures (DK)
  • Tax-Sheltered Annuities (DLB)
  • School Properties Disposition (DN)
  • Tri-County Technical Center Properties Disposal Procedure (DNA)
Section E - Support Services
  • Chemical Hazards (EBAA)
  • School Accident Report Form (EBBB-1)
  • Accident Reports (EBBB)
  • Student Crisis Policy (EBC/JHDB)
  • Emergency Management Plan (Crisis Response Plan) (EBCA)
  • Bomb Threats (EBCC)
  • Automated External Defibrillators (AED’s) (EBCF; EBCF-R)
  • Pest Management  (ECB)
  • Pest Management Notification (ECB-R)
  • Transportation Services Management (EE)
  • Transportation — State Law (EEA)
  • Transportation — Walkers and Riders (EEAA)
  • Transportation — Dexter Mileage Limits (EEAB)
  • Activity Bus (EEABB)
  • Conduct of Students Transported (EEACC)
  • Special Use of School Buses (EEAD)
  • Drug and Alcohol Testing of School Bus Drivers (EEAEAA)
  • Drug and Alcohol Testing of School Bus Drivers Procedure (EEAEAA-R)
  • Video/Audio Surveillance on School Property and School Busses (EEAEFA, EEAEFA-R)
  • Use of Private Vehicles (EEBB)
  • Food Allergy Management (EFAB)
  • Free and Reduced Price Food Programs (EFB)
  • Payment for Food Service Procedure (EFC-R)
  • Restrictions on Sale of Food (EFDA)
  • Competitive Food Sales — Sales of Foods in Competition with the School Food Service Program (EFE)
  • Copyright Compliance (EGAD)
  • Copyright Compliance — Administrative Procedure (EGAD-R)
Section F - Facilities Development

Coming soon.

Section G- Personnel
  • Job Descriptions (GAB)
  • Employee Statement of Intent (GBA/ACCA)
  • Employee Assistance Policy (GBEA)
  • Drug-Free Workplace (GBEC)
  • Adult No-Smoking (GBK/KGB)
  • Grievance Procedure (GBM/JFH/ACF)
  • Employee Harassment (GBMA/ACDA)
  • Family Care Leave (GBO)
  • Family and Medical Leave (GBN)
  • Family and Medical Leave – Administrative Procedure (GBN-R1)
  • Maine Family Medical Leave – Administrative Procedure (GBN-R2)
  • Family Leave (GCBDA)
  • Purchase of Technology (GCBDB)
  • Issuance of New Teacher Contracts (GCDA)
  • Substitute Teacher Employment (GCE)
  • Professional Staff Hiring (GCF)
  • Recruiting and Hiring of Administrative Staff (GCFB)
  • Recruiting and Hiring of Administrative Staff (GCFB-R)
  • Orientation of New Teachers (GCH)
  • Professional Staff Development (GCI)
  • School Day (GCLA)
  • Reimbursement for Courses After Completion of Employment at S.A.D. #46 (GCLB-R)
  • Percentage of Insurance Premiums (GCLC)
  • Instructional Staff Planning Time (GCMA)
  • Teacher Evaluations (GCO)
  • Supervision and Evaluation of Professional Staff (GCOA)
  • Evaluation of Administrative Staff (GCOC)
  • Resignation of Professional Staff (GCQC)
  • Employee Computer and Internet Use (GCSA)
  • Employee Computer/Internet Use Acknowledgment Form (GCSA-E)
  • Employee Computer and Internet Use Rules (GCSA-R)
  • Superintendent of Schools Job Description (GDAL)
  • Employment of Staff (GDD)
  • Substitute Bus Drivers (GDE)
  • Support Staff/Non-Instructional Employment (GDF)
  • Employee Use of Social Media (GSCB)
Section H - Negotiations

Coming soon.

Section I - Instruction
  • Curriculum Adoption (IFD)
  • Career Education (IGAD)
  • Correspondence Courses (IGCF-R)
  • Dances (IGDC)
  • Student Fund-Raising Activities (IGDF)
  • Student Activities Funds Management (IGDG)
  • Interest on Student Class & Club Accounts (IGDGA)
  • Extra-Curricular Eligibility (Middle School) (IGDK-A)
  • Extra-Curricular Eligibility (High School) (IGDK)
  • Adult Basic Education Classes (ABE) (IGEA)
  • Adult Education: High School Diploma Classes (IGEB)
  • Adult Education: Required Courses for Graduation (IGEBA)
  • Adult Education: Instructor Qualifications (IGEBB)
  • Adult Education: Student Attendance (IGEBC)
  • Adult Education: Certificate of Participation (IGEBD)
  • Applied Learning Projects (TCTC) (IH)
  • Applied Learning Projects — Grievance Procedure (IH-R)
  • Driver Education (IHAN)
  • Individual Education Plans (IHBA)
  • Referral and Use of General Education Interventions (IHBAA)
  • Referral and Use of General Education Interventions- Administrative Procedure (IHBAA-R)
  • Child Find (IHBAC)
  • Grievance Procedure for Persons with Disabilities (IHBAL)
  • Home Schooling (IHBG)
  • Home Schooling —  Participation in School Programs (IHBGA)
  • Alternative Education Options/Programs (IHBH)
  • Post-Secondary Enrollment Options (IHCDA)
  • Textbook Selection (IIA)
  • Selection Policy (Library Materials) (IIAC/KLB)
  • Instructional and Library Materials Selection (IJJ) **see IIA and IIAC/KLB
  • Challenge of Instructional Materials Form (IJJ-E) **see IIAC/KLB
  • Field Trips (IICA)
  • School Volunteers (IICC)
  • School Colors (IJEA)
  • Web Site (IJND & IJND-R)
  • Internet Filtering (IJNDA)
  • Student Computer and Internet Use and Internet Safety (IJNDB)
  • Internet Network Access Agreement (IJNDB-E1)
  • Network Etiquette (IJNDB-E2)
  • Student Computer and Internet Use Rules (IJNDB-R)
  • Chaperone/Field Trips/Overnight Action (IJOA)
  • Grading Systems (IKA)
  • Homework (IKB)
  • Promotion, Retention, and Acceleration of Students (IKE)
  • Grade Promotion (IKEA)
  • Graduation Requirements (IKF)
  • Student Assessment/Local Assessment System (IL)
  • Student Submission to Surveys, Analyses, or Evaluations (ILD)
  • Animals in Schools (IMG)
  • Exemption from Required Instruction (IMBB)
  • Patriotic Exercises (INDA)
  • Flag Displays (INDB)
  • Observation of Religious Holidays (INDC)
Section J - Students
  • Student Statement of Intent (JBA/ACC)
  • Compulsory Student Attendance (JEA)
  • Admission of Resident Students (JECA)
  • Post-Graduate Students (JECAA)
  • Admission of Non-Resident Students (JECB)
  • Enrollment of Foreign Exchange Students (JECBAA)
  • Assignment of Students to Schools (JECC)
  • Assignment of Student to Schools to Classes – 5 yr old (JECDA)
  • Dropout Prevention (JECEA)
  • Attendance Policy (JED)
  • Senior Privileges (JEDB-R)
  • High School Course Eligibility (JEE-R)
  • Attendance Coordinator (JEEA)
  • Student Rights and Responsibilities (JF)
  • Admission of Homeless Students (JFABD)
  • Student Withdrawal from School (Dropout Prevention Committee) (JFC)
  • Lost or Damaged Books (JFCB)
  • Hazing (JFCF/ACAD)
  • Student No-Smoking (JFCG)
  • Chemical Health Philosophy (JFCI)
  • Grievance Procedure (JFH/ACF/GBM)
  • Student Harassment (JFJ/ACD)
  • Student Suspension Policy (JGD)
  • Truancy (JHB)
  • Student Physicals (JHCA)
  • Student Physicals for the Purpose of Athletic Participation (JHCA)
  • Communicable Diseases (JHCC)
  • Drug and Alcohol Use by Students (K-4) (JHCE)
  • Drug and Alcohol Use by Students (Middle School and High School) (JHCF)
  • Drug and Alcohol Use by Students (JICH)
  • Weapons, Violence and School Safety (JICIA)
  • Bullying (JICK)
  • Bullying Report Form (JICK-E1)
  • Bullying Investigation Form (JICK-E2)
  • Bullying Documentation of Disciplinary And Remedial Actions Taken (JICK-E3)
  • Bullying Reporting, Investigation and Intervention/Resolution Process (JICK-E4)
  • Bullying — Procedure (JICK-R)
  • Private School Students — Access to Public School Co-Curricular, Interscholastic and Extracurricular Activities (JJIAA)
  • Hiring and Evaluation of Coaches (JJIBA)
  • Management of Concussions and Other Head Injuries (JJIF)
  • Concussion Information Sheet (JJIF-E)
  • Student Discipline (JK)
  • Use of Physical Restraint and Seclusion (JKAA / JKAA-R)
  • Expulsion of Students (JKE)
  • Disciplinary Removal of Students with Disabilities (JKF)
  • Disciplinary Removal of Students with Disabilities — Administrative Procedure (JKF-R)
  • Student Wellness (JL)
    • Healthy Snack & Beverage Ideas
  • Immunization of Students (JLCB)
  • Communicable/Infectious Diseases (JLCC)
  • Administration of Medication to Students (JLCD)
  • Medication Administration on School Field Trips (JLCD-R)
  • Narcan Administration to Students
  • First Aid (JLCE)
  • Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect (JLF)
  • Child Sexual Abuse Prevention and Response (JLFA)
  • Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect Report Form (JLF-E)
  • Reintegration of Juveniles from Correctional Facilities (JLDBG)
  • Student Education Records and Information (JRA)
  • Student Education Records and Information — Administrative Procedure (JRA-R)
  • Notification of Rights under FERPA (JRA-E)
Section K - School/Community Relations
  • News Media at Board Meetings (KGCC/BDDI)
  • Broadcasting and Taping of Board Meetings (KBCD/BDDJ)
  • Parent Involvement with Title I (KBF)
  • Public Participation at Board Meetings (KD/BDDH)
  • Public’s Right To Know / Freedom of Access (KDB)
  • Public Concerns and Complaints (KE)
  • Complaints About School Personnel (KEB)
  • Rules Relating to Rental or Use of School Facilities (KG)
  • Rules Relating to Rental or Use of School Facilities — Procedure (KG-R)
  • Adult No-Smoking (KGB/GBK)
  • Advertising in Schools (KHB)
  • Visitors to the Schools (KI)
  • Procedures for a Citizen’s Challenge of Educational Materials (KLB/IIAC)
  • Selection of Library Materials (KLB/IIAC)
  • Alternatives to Biological Dissection (KLBA)
  • Officer Presence in the Schools (KLGA)
  • Booster Clubs/Parent Organizations — MSAD #46 Requirements (KMA-R)
Section L - Post-Secondary
  • Post-Secondary Enrollment Options (Advanced Placement) (LEBA/IGCDA)