Tri-County Technical Center Bond Informational Meeting
Wednesday, October 30, 2024 @ Tri-County Technical Center
Check our UPCOMING EVENTS or NEWS for more information


MSAD #46 has been working to improve grading in and throughout our schools for several years now.  The primary goal of grading is to clearly communicate student progress, growth, and learning, and through the years grading systems began to lose that clear communicability.  Teachers and administrators across MSAD #46 have been working for several years to improve the communicability and the consistency of our grading practices and systems, and now the district has developed a common and consistent grading scale to help in terms of both communication of student learning and growth, AND consistency across the grade spans.

  • Student learning is measured using three criteria: content, complexity, and autonomy.
  • A student earning a score of a 3 means that student is able to independently perform the required grade level skills along with the necessary content.  This student is APPLYING what s/he is learning in class.
  • A student earning a score of a 2 means that the student is able to independently perform the foundational levels of grade level skills along with the necessary content.  This student is LEARNING the set targets/goals.
  • A student earning a score of a 4 means that the student is able to independently perform beyond the skill levels we expected (based on our targets/goals), and has included all of the necessary content.  This student is INNOVATING what s/he is learning in class.
  • A student earning a score of a means that the student can not perform the foundational levels of grade level skills without support from a peer or teacher, and is including all of the necessary content.  This student is BEGINNING the learning target/goal.
  • A student earning a score of an Academic Incomplete (AI) means that “no or insufficient evidence has been collected to evaluate student performance.”

To see and download the full MSAD #46 District Grading Scale, click this link:

Please contact your building administrator or Matt Drewette-Card, Director of Curriculum-Instruction-Assessment, with any questions you may have.